The morning of Saturday 10 November was a
perfect warm late spring day, not a cloud in the sky, with a very gentle breeze
playing on my face, coming off the sea. The beautiful Green Point Park was the
chosen venue for our little annual picnic of thanksgiving to twenty women who
care for abandoned children affected by HIV.
On arrival I sensed a delightful spirit of
joy and fun between all. Our guests started singing and dancing to some of
their traditional songs, and I felt that we were all participating in the
spirit of Ubuntu. Georgina presented us with our timetable for lunch, recreation
and sharing, which was preceded with a prayer of Grace and thanksgiving by Sis
Freda Mfenyana. We sat on the lawns enjoying the well prepared food and drinks,
whilst mingling with one another. At 1pm people could meander and walk around
the park, enjoying its beauty.
We assembled again at 2pm. CHATT members
had prepared a special certificate of appreciation for each one of the carers
together with a lovely little gift for them to enjoy. Thereafter Dr Walter
Loening encouraged them to share with us some of their joys and challenges
about their work, that they do with such love and dedication. It was with great
interest that we could listen to their stories and learn a little about their
At 3pm it was time for us to bid farewell
to each other: I left with a wonderful feeling of gratitude and enrichment for
the privilege of being able to honour these wonderful women who with such care
and love care for these orphaned children. Our Master Jesus said ‘In as much as
you have done it to the least of my brethren, you have done it unto me’
(Matthew 25: Verse 40).
Sarita Stern