Sunday, 19 May 2013

In Solidarity on AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day

St. George's Cathedral marked AIDS Candlelight Memorial today with the lighting of candles and special prayers for people living with HIV. Father Richard reminded us that 'Our country and our Church have AIDS'.

We had a special speaker - the Reverend Rachel Mash - who has been incredibly committed to supporting communities with HIV. Reverend Rachel shared stories about HIV-related stigma and emphasised the opportunity that we have to reach out to our communities with compassion.

Following the service, we had a forum with Professor Linda-Gail Bekker from the Desmond Tutu HIV Centre who talked about TB and HIV/TB co-infection. It was extremely informative and challenged us all to think about our role in doing practical things on a daily basis (such as opening windows, covering our mouths when we cough, not spitting) to take care of our own health and the health of others.