Monday, 7 September 2015

CHATTers at Cavendish Book Fair

CHATT members enjoyed helping out the Cathedral Book & Bric-a-Brac Shop at this year's Cavendish Book Fair. The Bookshop raises significant funds, which support Cathedral ministries and community outreach.

In addition to assisting in tidying and selling books, the book fair is also an excellent opportunity to get to know and buy interesting books and to catch up with Pat and friends over a nice cappuccino!

A spectacular night of music!

On Friday 28 August, the Fikelela AIDS Project and St. George's Cathedral HIV/AIDS Task Team hosted a beautiful night of music. Four big bands - Rondebosch Boys' Preparatory School Jazz Band, SACS Big Band, SACS Junior Jazz Band and SACS Concert Band - filled the Cathedral with incredible music.

The event raised 21,000 Rands for Zonnebloem Cottage. The children's home cares for six children - all aspects of their lives.

The evening was a real celebration of youth talent and music!